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“The Obstacles Facing Our Teenagers!” Where? In the Justice System, Schools, Workplaces, Voting Booths, and Beyond!
A New Day Is Coming The Sun Is Rising

This is a research book on our teenagers that I thought was necessary to do at this time. With the coronavirus pandemic in our midst for over a year now and is expected to be around for at least through the year 2022, to some extent. I wanted to present the dilemma of blacks versus whites from a historical point of view and bringing it all the way up to the current times, to see if there have been major progress and/or changes for the good of all teenagers as a whole—equal in nature and in opportunities for all teenagers as a result and not just a segment of these groups. You will be able to make your own assessment from my research, and I will give you mine based on my interpretation of the actual data presented.





The author actually experienced the history and migration needs discussed in his book during the late 1960’s and early 1970’s as a teenager -himself, and this is where that history began in his book.

Please! Don’t Make Your Retirement Complicated!

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Do you like success based on your own accomplishments and lifestyle? Author Leroy Hayes Jr. urges readers to follow the tips in his book because they will lead to success (and please don’t worry about the Joneses, because you may be derailed from your own success)!

Please! Don’t Make Your Retirement Complicated! Is an earnest plea of the author for readers to make the transformation from being unprepared to becoming equipped with the money and skills to cope with that thing called retirement.




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